Wrightington Parish Council
Police and Communities Together
As part of Operation Pathway pay particular attention to parking and speeding issues in the area, as well as other driving offences.
PLEASE NOTE: “The Wrightington /Appley Bridge PACT meetings will no longer be held in their usual format. Despite extensive effort by the Neighbourhood Policing Team over the past few years to engage with local communities, it has been extremely difficult to secure regular attendance at the meetings. It has therefore been decided that your local Neighbourhood Policing Team will endeavour to attend the Wrightington Coffee mornings where operational commitments allow to engage with local residents. The coffee mornings are arranged by the Parish Council Clerk for Wrightington, the first one will be on the 1st April 2011.
Your local police need you
What do you want to happen in your area?
Your local team is all about finding local solutions to local issues and works closely with organisations to make this happen. It runs monthly meetings called Police and Communities Together (PACT) where you can talk about things that are happening in your area that you think need sorting out.
Rural Community Beat Manager
PC Mark Smithson
Use 999 for emergencies or 0845 125 35 45 for non-emergencies.
You can pop in and see the team or write to them at:
Skelmersdale Police Station
Southway, Skelmersdale
To enquire about a crime that I am already dealing with contact the Citizen Focus Bureau on 01772 415566 (8am-8pm)
PCSO 7572 Andy Holderness
07811 417515
[email protected]

Police Contact Numbers
To contact the Shevington Neighbourhood Policing Team call 0161 856 7124 or email [email protected]
For updates on what the team has been doing in your area, or to find out about local officers, priorities and surgeries, please visit lancashire.police.uk/your-area/south-division.aspx
For non-emergency calls or to report crime call police on
0161 872 5050 or
anonymously on 0800 555 111.
Use 999 only in emergencies
where there is a threat to life or crime in progress.
News and Links
- COVID-19: guidance for the public on mental health and wellbeing
- Communities.gov.uk
- Coronavirus - gov.uk
- Coronavirus - lancashire.gov.uk
- Guide to preparing for a flood and protecting your property
- Lancashire Mind 'Need Help Now'
- Mind 'Coronavirus and Your Wellbeing'
- Number 10 Website
- Opsi.gov.uk
- Rosie Cooper MP Website
- Samaritans
- School Closures Lancashire
- School Closures Wigan
- UK Parliament website
- West Lancs Environment Dept
- West lancs Planning Dept
- West lancs Refuse Dept
- Parish Council Vacancy
- Remembrance Sunday
- Parish Council Vacancies
- Carolyn's Coffee Morning
- Beginners Yoga Flow Classes at Mossy Lea
- West Lancashire Borough Council Christmas and New Year 2021/2022
- Christmas Concert
- Remembrance Sunday
- Get your COVID-19 vaccine today
- West Lancashire Borough Council Christmas and New Year 2020/2021
- Travelling Safely on Public Transport Campaign
- Mobile COVID-19 testing unit
- Reopening Household Waste Recycling Centres
- Wrightington Parish Council Meeting Cancelled - 18th May 2020
- VE Day Celebrations - 08th May 2020
- Wrightington Parish Council Meeting Cancelled - 20th April 2020
- National Careers Service
- Refuse and recycling collections during the Coronavirus Pandemic
- Wrightington Parish Council Meeting Cancelled - 16th March 2020
- Could you cope in a power cut?
- Call For Sites
- Road Closure
- Remembrance Sunday
- Summer Fair
- Yoga at Appley Bridge
- Defibrillator Locations
- 5 publicly available defibrillator boxes
- Making Wrightington a heart safe parish