Wrightington Parish Council
Refuse and recycling collections during the Coronavirus Pandemic
Residents can help us to keep refuse and recycling collections running smoothly during the Coronavirus Pandemic.
With many of us spending more time at home this can often mean there is more waste to be collected from households.
To help Council staff to get round to everybody here are a few things we are asking you all to do.
Please continue to recycle and put the right waste items in the right bins. You can find out all you need to know about this on our website https://www.westlancs.gov.uk/refuse-recycling/what-goes-in-my-bins-bags-and-boxes.aspx.
You can also help us by only putting out your blue and green wheelie bins with recyclable materials or brown garden waste bin for collection if the bin is more than half full so we can get through the rounds as easily as possible. We are sorry if this causes any inconvenience, but we would hope that you could help us in this way at this difficult time.
It would be a big help to us as well if, as always, all bins can be put out for collection by 7am on the day they are due to be collected, and please park responsibly so our crews can get down your street to collect your bins. This will help reduce the number of bins that are missed.
Councillor Kev Wilkie, whose Cabinet responsibilities include Refuse and Recycling, said: 'Please help us to help as we work to keep collecting your waste through these difficult times.'