Wrightington Parish Council
Complaints Procedure
Code of Practice for Handling Complaints Against Wrightington Parish Council
If a complaint relating to the procedures or administration of Wrightington Parish Council (thereafter referred to as ‘the Council’) is notified orally to a Parish Councillor or to the Clerk, Mrs C A Cross, and they cannot satisfy the complainant fully forthwith the complainant shall be asked to put his/her complaint in writing to the Clerk and be assured that it will be dealt with promptly after receipt.
If the complainant prefers not to put the complaint to the Mrs Cross he/she shall be advised to put it to the Chairman currently in office.
Upon receipt of a written complaint the Clerk or Chairman, as the case may be, shall (except where the complaint is about his/her own actions) try to settle the complaint directly with the complainant but shall not do so in respect of a complaint about the behaviour of the Clerk or a Councillor without first notifying the person complained of and giving an opportunity for comment on the matter in which it is intended to attempt to settle the complaint.
Where the Clerk or Chairman receives a written complaint about his/her own actions he/she shall forthwith refer the complaint to the Council.
The Clerk or the Chairman shall report to the next meeting of the Council any written complaint disposed of by direct action with the complainant.
The Clerk or Chairman shall bring any written complaint which has not been settled to the next meeting of the Council and the Clerk shall notify the complainant of the date on which the complaint will be considered, and the complainant shall be offered an opportunity to explain the complaint orally.
The Council shall consider whether the circumstances attending any complaint warrant the matter being discussed in the absence of the press and public but, any decision on a complaint shall be announced at the Council meeting in public.
As soon as may be after the decision has been made it, and the nature of any action to be taken, shall be communicated in writing to the complainant.
The Council shall defer dealing with any written complaint only if it is of the opinion that issues of law or practice arise on which advice is necessary from Lancashire Association of Parish and Town Councils. The complaint shall then be dealt with at the next Parish Council Meeting after the advice has been received and the decision and the nature of any action to be taken shall be communicated in writing to the complainant.
If you wish to download a copy of the complaints procedure it can be found under the Parish Council Documents area of the website.
News and Links
- COVID-19: guidance for the public on mental health and wellbeing
- Communities.gov.uk
- Coronavirus - gov.uk
- Coronavirus - lancashire.gov.uk
- Guide to preparing for a flood and protecting your property
- Lancashire Mind 'Need Help Now'
- Mind 'Coronavirus and Your Wellbeing'
- Number 10 Website
- Opsi.gov.uk
- Rosie Cooper MP Website
- Samaritans
- School Closures Lancashire
- School Closures Wigan
- UK Parliament website
- West Lancs Environment Dept
- West lancs Planning Dept
- West lancs Refuse Dept
- Parish Council Vacancy
- Remembrance Sunday
- Parish Council Vacancies
- Carolyn's Coffee Morning
- Beginners Yoga Flow Classes at Mossy Lea
- West Lancashire Borough Council Christmas and New Year 2021/2022
- Christmas Concert
- Remembrance Sunday
- Get your COVID-19 vaccine today
- West Lancashire Borough Council Christmas and New Year 2020/2021
- Travelling Safely on Public Transport Campaign
- Mobile COVID-19 testing unit
- Reopening Household Waste Recycling Centres
- Wrightington Parish Council Meeting Cancelled - 18th May 2020
- VE Day Celebrations - 08th May 2020
- Wrightington Parish Council Meeting Cancelled - 20th April 2020
- National Careers Service
- Refuse and recycling collections during the Coronavirus Pandemic
- Wrightington Parish Council Meeting Cancelled - 16th March 2020
- Could you cope in a power cut?
- Call For Sites
- Road Closure
- Remembrance Sunday
- Summer Fair
- Yoga at Appley Bridge
- Defibrillator Locations
- 5 publicly available defibrillator boxes
- Making Wrightington a heart safe parish