Wrightington Parish Council
Travelling Safely on Public Transport Campaign
A new public transport campaign by Lancashire County Council advises on how to travel safely and asks residents to use public transport responsibly to help stop the spread of corona virus. Our operators are working hard to ensure vehicles are as clean and safe as possible but we all have a part to play. The current advice is to –
- Reduce your journeys if possible, avoid unnecessary travel and stay local.
- For shorter journeys, walk or cycle if you can to save space on public transport for those who need it most.
- If you do need to use public transport, try to plan ahead and avoid busy times and routes to allow social distancing.
- Over 11s must wear face coverings throughout the journey, and in bus and train stations unless exempt.
The campaign will particularly target young people on Instagram to promote the use of face coverings, following feedback from public transport operators that young people are failing to wear them, or are taking them off, particularly on school buses.
For the latest information on using public transport in Lancashire visit www.lancashire.gov.uk/publictransport